Grow your income and piano students of tomorrow


Earn more per hour with a proven group piano program.


Have a single philosophy flowing through all of your course programs.


Attract, keep and teach more students with marketing, retention, and classroom management.

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Perfect for Piano Teacher looking to...


  • grow your income
  • grow a business around piano teaching
  • increase your income by teaching in the mornings
  • retain more students by using a latest pedagogy processes including multi-sensory learning
  • expand your home studio and income with group piano classes
  • Make your current music school business more profitable with an early childhood music and group piano classes.
  • Gain control over your curriculum by offering a strong standardised curriculum backed up with teacher training modules, lesson plans, homework sheets and all the other resources so you can provide consistency across your classes.
  • create a rewarding career both musically and financially from teaching piano


"How Much Can I Make Calculator"

The #1 question we're always asked is "How Much Can I Make?"


 You may be surprised to know that ... we can't tell you that... no one can tell you that. There really are so many factors and variables and to some extent unknowns. Many are determined by you, your capabilities, your mindset, your circumstances and the lifestyle you want to achieve for yourself. Some (like COVID) are just beyond our control. What we can do... is dream a little put some plans in place, work hard so...


 You really are in control of your own destiny. You can grow a Piano Studio business that offers you everything that you want. It all starts with having a clear vision of what's possible as this gives you clarity and sets your internal programming system to create for you what you want.

Have fun playing around with this calculator to set your mind dreaming about what's possible for you.

All entry fields are editable so it's up to you to play around with this tool and enter numbers that you think you can achieve based on considerations such as:

  • how much time you have
  • how much you will charge
  • how many students you might average per class
  • when students are available for lessons
  • how many weeks you want to teach in the year and
  • other considerations that are important to you.


We have provided this tool to help you dream a little. Remember, these are your numbers and we cannot predict what you'll achieve.

Take me to the "HOW MUCH CAN I EARN" Calculator

Teaching group piano is the best fun you and your students can have! Take your piano studio or music school to the next level.

Our Course Program

Grow your own students! You will be amazed how easy it is to teach children who have been through your early childhood program. Earn more $ per hour with group piano in the precious after schools hours. You really can take your independent piano studio to the next level both financially and musically.

Tell me more...

You can grow your independent piano teaching studio through early childhood and group piano almost anywhere!

Case Study



Meet Vanessa Munns, wife and mum of two boys owns and lives on a sheep station in the remote wheatbelt region of West Australia, 3 hours drive inland from Perth, the nearest capital city.

We first met Vanessa in January 2020 at Tim Topham's Piano Pivot Live in Melbourne as a recipient of a scholarship from AMEB, the Australian Examinations board. Vanessa told us about her life back home and how she really wanted to make more of a difference in the children's lives as living in such remote conditions where it can be a 3 hour drive to and from school each day, she felt they miss out on so much compared to city kids.

She had a dream to offer an early childhood music program. Her students usually 7 years of age and she only has them for a few years because most go off to boarding school when they are twelve.

Paul and Gillian had long recognised this problem and had often wondered how they might bring music to families in the remote Australian outback. They recognized Vanessa's 'make it happen' style and offered her a scholarship to become the first Accredited Forte Member.

There was enormous support within the community and Vanessa kicked off her Jungle Music (early childhood) classes late February with 16 students! But then, Covid hit...

Like piano teachers around the world Vanessa had to make the move to online teaching. Having never done this before, her first move was to get up her private students up and running. At the time she couldn't even contemplate teaching classes online.

After a few weeks though the urge to see the little faces of her youngest students proven too tempting and Vanessa embraced the challenge, dug deep into her "inner Romper Room " (children's TV show) presenter and 'Miss Vanessa' went online! Watch a glimpse of Vanessa teaching her class online using her iphone!


After four months of lockdown Vanessa started moving back to face to face teaching. Although many of her students opted to stay online. Some for health reasons. Others because they were enjoying the online format without the long drive in from their stations!

Around August, Vanessa started her first Junior Keys group piano class . She now has around 24 - 30 students in her early childhood classes and 7 children in her Junior Keys class.

Vanessa is looking forward to 2021 where she will move some of her Jungle Music classes up to the next course and her schedule will allow some gaps to take on more classes.

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Thousands of parents bring their children to Forte Music classes every week. They love it as much as their kids!

Singing, movement and having fun was just so refreshing after a hard day at school

Paul and Charlie's Mom reflect back on his early lessons and how learning in a group setting using Forte's signature Whole Body Learning approach was so refreshing after an exhausting day at school...

Today, music is a big part of Charlie's life and he has completed Grade 6 and is currently working on Grade 7 Trinity College London piano exam.