Q+A Ep 24 Teaching Students to Read with Confidence

Show Notes

Overview: Episode 24

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into ideas this week. (timings of the broadcast): 

0:00 Welcome to Rebecca Wilson - Rebecca shares her teaching environment in beautiful Hamilton New Zealand.

11:45 Watch how Rebecca works with 6-year-old student Chloe to check to see  what she knows already and establish her first lesson piano. Storytelling is a key component. Rebecca says “Stories are like Trojan horse” and explains what you mean by that. 

18:00 A Parent shares her experience of her son's lessons in lessons using Whole Body Learning. She shares why she feels he was so engaged and motivated for years in lessons (just completed Grade 6 piano). An interesting discussion about kids who do a full day of school then turn up to a piano lesson after school. Extra information about The Studio now starting 20 March 2021.

Find out more about The Studio and...

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Q+A Ep 23 Tenacity, Lockdowns, Duets & Wonderful Composers

Download the free sheet music & lyrics

From Pam Wedgewood, Alison Mathews and Paul Myatt

Show Notes

Overview: Episode 23

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week . (timings of the broadcast):

0:00 Welcome to our panelists, Pam Wedgewood, Alison Mathews & Ruth Alberici

14:00 Pam talks about tenacity 

19:00 Pam's favorite piece & how Paul teaches "Garage Sale" from AMEB Piano for Leisure Grade 1

24:00 Ruth discusses alternate ways to help students understand how to play new material when teaching online

27:00 Alison gives her tips when piano teaching online; annotations, using music stand, organisation, teaching rhythm to beginners

29:00 Michelle asks about alternate ways to helping students understand how to play new piano material when online.

31:00 Paul’s shares some Whole Body Learning teaching strategies that help make teaching online more successful. He shares some ...

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Q+A Ep 22 Master Class on Teaching Creativity

Show Notes

Overview: Episode 22

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

0:00 Welcome to Phillip Keveren - Phillip shares his studio setup 

6:30 How does Phillip incorporate improvisation into a traditional Piano Lesson with beat and rythm activities?

8:00 Using Burgmüller Arabesque as a starting point to improvisation  - Get Phillip's handout and access to the Practice Buddy backing track here.

18:00 Ways to use backing tracks in your studio and how it can help change your life and the way you teach . Teaching using piano practice checklist, Backing Tracks and Whole Body Learning. Extra information about The Studio

Find out more about The Studio and join the waitlist for the launch in January 2021


22:00 The Clown by Kabalevsky & The Beatles Lady Madonna and how they're related.

23:00 20% Off for Phillip Keveren this weekend

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Q+A Ep 12 How to Teach in a Fun and Interesting Way


Show Notes Below

Get your complimentary copy of 4th Street Rag by Dennis Alexander right here, just fill in the form and we'll send it to you.



Show Notes

We will be sharing the Poll Question responses over the next couple of weeks. Feel free to add your thoughts to the mix.



Overview: Episode 12

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests 
02:10 A look at each of the panel members' set up

13:15 Q: When are you returning to face to face teaching piano and what will you do differently during beginner piano lesson ideas compared to pre-Covid19 times?

17:30 One viewer's greatest challenge is “teaching in a fun and interesting way”. Watch the hysterically funny videos of Miss Dontbee and Miss Doobee teaching piano with ways to make learning fun and interesting for students. Dennis,...

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Q+A Ep 20 Group Teaching & Holiday/Vacation Camps


Show Notes

This week's episode has musical bananas - so much fun to had by students and their teacher! This is just one of the ways you can engage children in making music fun. It's even fun for teachers!

Dorla and Katie provide some great ideas to add to your studio so you can increase your earning potential through teaching groups even if you only teach individual lessons.

Even during COVID times, most of the ideas can be used in face to face and online lessons. Watch now!



Overview: Episode 20

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests - Dorla Aparicio and Katie Poli.

01:00 Dorla Shows her studio space 

02:00 Dorla goes into detail about group teaching and piano teaching training - that it's more motivating for students to make music with their friends each week and it allows her to teach fewer hours in the...

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Q+A Ep 21 Improve Composition & Managing Your Studio

Show Notes

This week's episode is all about Inspiring our students and instilling a love of music-making.

Our three brilliant panelists Heather Smith, Christopher Norton, and Elise Beckett Russell shared some brilliant ideas and strategies for engaging students.

Watch how kids learn through playing with backing tracks as Paul shares a teaching example of one of Christopher's pieces.




Overview: Episode 21

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

0:00 Welcome to Elise Beckett Russell, Heather Smith & Christopher Norton

2:00 Elise & Heather intro

3:00 Christopher Norton intro

4:30 Heather's Facebook group & a picture of her studio, pre and post COVID

6:00 Elise's Creative Pursuits 

7:00 Chris's shares his teaching strategies starting with the background of the piece & improvisation with students and sight reading piano music


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Q+A Ep 19 COVID-Safe Studios & Engaging Students

Show Notes


Overview: Episode 19

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests 

01:48 Josie shares her studio and speaks about her puppets.

04:43 Peter takes you on a tour of his studio so that you can see his COVIDsafe strategies that meet government regulations.

11:09 Josie shares what she does with her students when most of them are not working towards an exam like sight read piano

13:48 Planet, Dragon & Pirate charts and speaks about creating an enriched learning environment like chord progression piano

19:00 Christmas is right around the corner and Blackrock Music has a great Christmas Pack just for piano teachers which includes: 16 Studio Licensed Christmas Carols, Printable: Songsheets, Invitations, Certificates, Program and even recipes.

24:50 When looking at our greatest challenges in teaching piano many teachers say...

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Q+A Ep 18 Recreational Music Making and How It Can Help Your Students

Show Notes


Overview: Episode 18

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests

04:05 Brian Chung shares just a bit of his experience

06:27 Brenda shares her vast experience in teaching over many years.

07:15 Nan shares a little about her teaching and teaching classes with piano sheets beginner

09:03 So what is Recreational Music Making? 

12:00 The Golden Quadrant

15:12 A sporting analogy - Soccer (Football)

19:25 Brenda describes becoming involved in RMM and the path she took which turned from 1 small group to 13 classes a week. 

24:21 Nan shares her story of teaching RMM from another different perspective.

29:19 When you have a few students to practice piano in a group and dealing with different abilities.  Including an excerpt from Nan's recent webinar called: The Many Hats of a Group Teacher

31:14 Paul shares his...

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Q+A Ep 17 To Exam or Not to Exam Part 2 - Continued from Last Episode


Show Notes


Overview: Episode 17 (To exam or not to exam Part 2)

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to: To Exam or Not to Exam. 

0:2:50 Rae de Lisle shares her experience at a tertiary level and about parents. Parents getting locked into exams being important.

10:00 Josie Thomas speaks about why students are actually learning to play piano, piano recitals and talking about parents and how to engage them in the learning process.

12:00 Paul Myatt shares the story of his teaching piano strategies for outsourcing some of the learning to parents.

15:34 Pros and Cons to doing exams the 3 main outcomes of exams which can go both ways.

19:58 Heather Smith explains that she started doing exams with her students as they offered a more balanced curriculum for her.

22:49 Realistic expectations of time that students have.

22:33 Samantha...

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Q+A Ep 16 To Exam or Not to Exam Part 1


Show Notes


Are you thinking about piano exams and creative piano lessons for your students? This Q+A Episode and the next are MUST watch episodes for any piano teacher looking at exams. With brilliant panelists spread across part 1 & part 2. In this episode we heard from Sally Cathcart, Graham Fitch, Glory St Germain, Margaret Greig, Alison Mathews, Elise Russell, Erica Booker, and the composer who has pieces in just about every exam syllabus, Elissa Milne. 


Ideas on the 4 Strategies to make Piano Exams work for you and your students.

  1. Choose your Exam Syllabus.
  2. Get creative in HOW you teach.
  3. Design your ideal piano student.
  4. Develop an individualised learning program for each student. 



Overview: Episode 16 (To exam or not to exam Part 1)

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to: To Exam or Not to...

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