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How to have Success Teaching Children with LEARNING DIFFICULTIES

Get Your FREE 17-Page Guide
How You Can FINALLY get STUDENTS to practice the piano, even if you've tried EVERYTHING!
This is for you if...

You are struggling with students who think & behave differently and challenge the status quo

You can't move on because they forgot everything you taught them last week

You're starting to pull your hair out in frustration thinking what am I going to do next?
This is for you if...

You dread lessons with the students who forget or don't practice

You can't move on because they forgot everything you taught them last week

You're starting to pull your hair out in frustration!
The Success Guide...
for teaching children with Learning Difficulties includes:

An overview of the characteristics of students who may be neurodiverse.
Learning Environment
Strategies for creating a learning environment that supports students with ADHD, Autism & Dyslexia.
Communication Strategies
Helpful ways to communicate effectively with students with ADHD, Autism or Dyslexia.
Teaching Strategies
How to make it your teaching successful with hints and suggestions for effective learning strategies.
Shauna discovered Whole Body Learning and decided, 'we're going to do some of that!'
I have a student this week who came in and announced "I'm feeling a little hyper today" and proceeded to run a couple of laps around the studio. 😳😬 In the past, I would have given up on the lesson right then and just hope we all survived 'til it was over. But not this time! This time I thought 'I know what to do with you!'.
We did some body solfege, pulled out the drums, and even incorporated his running into the learning for that day. He had so much fun, actually learned something, and loved it! He was happy, and that made me happy.
Whole Body Learning for the win!!! Thanks, everyone, for sharing your awesome ideas!
Shauna Hunter
Piano Teacher

Catherine started using a multi-sensory approach and her student started improving and now loves playing!

"I use a lot of Whole Body Learning in my teaching. I am teaching the son of my first piano teacher and he has some learning difficulties. She only teaches reading so she found it difficult to teach him.
I have been using Whole Body Learning with him and he has been having a lot of fun. I am very proud of him because he is improving and loves it!"
Catherine Bennouna
Piano Teacher
After 40 years of teaching Michelle started using Whole Body Learning and her students are learning faster!

Before (joining The Studio) I felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants really. If I ran into a situation with a student I was literally thinking as I was going along, 'What can I do? Let's do this? Let's do that?' Just dealing with everything as it happened. I couldn't write a lesson plan because it just never worked with these children. If he or she was having an off day it was terrible. So it was just very frustrating.
The Studio has totally turned things around. These kids are loving it! They are doing rhythms I didn't think they would ever do. They're singing along. They know their Do, Re Mi's. They can sing it on pitch. It's been awesome!
I have one child in particular... Every week when we finish our lesson he says to me...
"Mrs Olsen, this was the best lesson ever!"
Janet Olsen
Piano Teacher

After 40 years of teaching Michelle started using Whole Body Learning and her students are learning faster!

"I have been teaching for 40 years but this course gave me lots of new ideas to refresh my teaching approach. In particular, it showed me just how much benefit there can be in doing varied activities away from the piano. Before the start of this course, I just had my beginners tapping and clapping and occasionally singing solfege whilst still sitting on the piano bench. Now I am getting them up, using the floor the walls and any other hard surfaces I can find plus all the percussion instruments (even bowls and spoons) to work on rhythms and chimes and a glockenspiel to play out the melodies. They are all loving the new style and by the time they sit at the piano and try it for the second time, they have usually mastered the piece sufficiently to be able to play with a backing track at practice speed."
Michelle Caller
Piano Teacher

See How Catherine & Michelle and Hundreds of Other Piano Teachers Are Turning Around Practice
We know only too well the consequences when students don't practice…
- The student gets bored and wants to quit.
- The parents don't see any progress and think they are wasting their money.
- Parents who are happy with zero progress and you feel like a glorified babysitter.
- We feel a failure because we haven’t been able to reach and inspire our students.

See How Catherine & Michelle and Hundreds of Other Piano Teachers Are Turning Around Practice

We know only too well the consequences when students don't practice…
- The student gets bored and wants to quit.
- The parents don't see any progress and think they are wasting their money.
- Parents who are happy with zero progress and you feel like a glorified babysitter.
- We feel a failure because we haven’t been able to reach and inspire our students.
About the Authors
We help piano teachers engage and motivate their students by coaching them to use the Whole Body Learning approach, teaching success guides and backing tracks so they can accelerate their teaching success and earn more.
We have been friends for over 30 years and have taught piano for as many years. Together we founded Forte School of Music which now has over 8,000 students in the US, UK, Australia & New Zealand and Piano Teaching Success. In Piano Teaching Success, we love helping teachers develop their skills so they build the Studio they love.
Paul Myatt & Gillian Erskine
Piano Teaching Success

About the Authors

We help piano teachers engage and motivate their students by coaching them to use the Whole Body Learning approach, teaching success guides and backing tracks so they can accelerate their teaching success and earn more.
We have been friends for over 30 years and have taught piano for as many years. Together we founded Forte School of Music which now has over 8,000 students in the US, UK, Australia & New Zealand and Piano Teaching Success. In Piano Teaching Success, we love helping teachers develop their skills so they build the Studio they love.
Paul Myatt & Gillian Erskine
Piano Teaching Success
As Seen in...

As Seen in...

"Valuable resources & practical experience."
"Learning this was encouraging & inspiring."
"Helpful for every type of student."

Kathryn King
Diedre Keane
Janet Olsen
"Valuable resources & practical experience."

Kathryn King
"Learning this was encouraging & inspiring."

Diedre Keane
"Helpful for every type of student."