Shauna was feeling a little deflated at times with a student she was teaching who has autism. It got to the stage where both of them wondered if they were ever going to get anywhere.


Shauna discovered Whole Body Learning and decided, 'we're going to do some of that!' She started with some clapping and then added the backing track. Her student left that lesson just beaming. She was so happy they continued with Whole Body Learning next week.

Shauna picks up the story...


"She was doing so well I thought let's go back to the paper and reading the notes and see how we do. Well... it was a disaster! It was too much for her, or it just didn't suit her learning style or something, so we're back with Whole Body Learning again. And this just seems to really help it sink in for her. It makes sense to her."


"I used the Whole Body Learning for the first time this week -- with my autistic student, who has had some difficulty with traditional methods. I couldn't believe how quickly she learned the piece with a smile on her face, no less. This approach really works!"


- Shauna Hunter

Shauna was feeling a little deflated at times with a student she was teaching who has autism. It got to the stage where both of them wondered if they were ever going to get anywhere.

Shauna discovered Whole Body Learning and decided, 'we're going to do some of that!' She started with some clapping and then added the backing track. Her student left that lesson just beaming. She was so happy they continued with Whole Body Learning next week.

 Shauna Hunter

Piano Teacher: Calgary, Canada


Shauna picks up the story...

"She was doing so well I thought let's go back to the paper and reading the notes and see how we do. Well... it was a disaster! It was too much for her, or it just didn't suit her learning style or something, so we're back with Whole Body Learning again. And this just seems to really help it sink in for her. It makes sense to her."

"Before (joining The Studio), I felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants really. If I ran into a situation with a student I was literally thinking as I was going along, 'What can I do? Let's do this? Let's do that?' Just dealing with everything as it happened. I couldn't write a lesson plan because it just never worked with these children. If he or she was having an off day it was terrible. So it was just very frustrating.

The studio has totally turned things around. These kids are loving it! They are doing rhythms I didn't think they would ever do. They're singing along. They know their Do, Re Mis. They can sing it on pitch. It's been awesome!"


- Janet Olsen