Teaching Online?

What kind of cat are you?

I'm braving this online world but I'm a bit scared
"I'm really new to this. I'm not tech savvy. I need to keep it as simple as possible.
I have a smart phone or ipad and are just happy with a simple systems eg Skype or Messenger/Whatsapp."

I'm pretty cool with this now. I'm settling in ...
"I started out with just a phone but quickly decided I wanted a better set up.
I'm on a laptop/desktop. I'm using Zoom and are interested in a second camera and other tech to improve the learning experience."

The Clever cat has it all sorted!
"Baby I've got this sorted! I'm a quick learner or I've been doing this online gig for a while now. I've got 2 or more camera angles are using Zoom and am interested in other tech to enhance the learning experience for both me and my students."
Here's some resources to help you develop a successful online Piano Studio no matter where you are at.
We can all use a bit of help setting up our studios and helping our students get sorted to optimise teaching and learning piano in an online lesson format.
We've combed the internet to find you the best resources we can and curated them especially for piano teachers who are embracing the journey to teach online.
Keeping it Simple?
Start Here!
It's perfectly fine to keep it simple. You are so brave for even starting this journey. Give yourself a pat!
Keeping it simple can take the stress out of it all. And when you are calm then your students are calm too. The most important thing you can do is to maintain and keep the connection you have with your students.
Here's some great videos by Nicola Cantan of Colourful Keys and The Vibrant Music Teacher" which will help you get really sorted and feel confident about teaching online.
We've also included a game or two so you can have some fun. Be sure to watch Emily (from Topmusic Co) and her Quick Tips for Video Lessons where she shares some great ideas for communicating with students in an online format.

Getting a little more 'sophistoCATed?
Got the basics sorted but now want to change it up to the next level?
Maybe you're keen to move to the Zoom platform and are interested in setting up that second overhead camera?
Are you ready to tinkle with the setting in the back end to get a better sound?
Are you looking to get some kind of normality around lesson notes, assignments, practice journals?
Here some great videos from Paul Myatt, Tim Topham and Nicola Canton to get you sorted.
Did you know scale practice can be fun?
If your online students need to learn scales for an exam whether it be AMEB, ABRSM, ANZCA, Trinity College or RCM take a look at Practice buddy!
For the Clever Cats who are looking to make teaching online even better!
You've got this whole online studio set up sorted quite well. You've got or want 2 or more camera and want to learn how to co-ordinate it all.
You are quite tech savvy or at least getting better and better each day, and would like to get even better at teaching online and embracing some more sophisticated tech.
Videos from Tim Topham, Emily from Topmusic Co, Forte School of Music, Angela Turner and Nicola Canton.

How to manage multiple cameras & views using Manycam or OBS
Comparison between various audio (microphone) and camera options