Pieces from AGMS Syllabus: Arabian Journey | Secret Agent Hideout | Skater's Dream | Tricks of the Trade
About Tricks of the Trade
Tricks of the Trade is a fun piece using 12-bar blues in C major. The LH is a typical easy Boogie Woogie bass.
Teaching Tips
- Teach your students C-G, F-C & G-D. Then listen to the backing track (B.T.) and play each of the open fifths, one crotchet per bar.
- Next, identify the fifths in the LH in the music, then play them as quavers. How many bars are in the piece? What is the pattern? (4 bars: C-G, 2xF-C, 2xC-G, G-D, F-C, C-G – 12 bar Blues)
Play with the B.T. - Next, add the notes between the fifths, then play with B.T.
- Introduce the RH phrases. Encourage the student to tap the LH quavers on the thigh while playing the RH.
- Work on playing hands together in chordal sections. As soon as possible, try playing with the B.T.
The focus for technique in this work includes:
- LH needs to be balanced with RH – ensure the RH sings over the top of the LH and isn’t drowned out by the LH.
- Ensure all notes & rests have their full value – check the rest in bar 3 has its full value and that the notes semibreves in the RH also have their full value in the B section.
- Dynamics – encourage your student to play the dynamics to the best of their ability.Â
General Knowledge
CÂ major
Allegretto is moderately fast; faster than andante but slower than allegro.
12 Bar Blues. Chords:Â C | C | C | C | F | F | C | C | G | F | C | C ||

About Gillian and Paul
Gillian Erskine & Paul Myatt have been pedagogical composers since 1993. They are the creators of Whole Body Learning, which forms the basis of the Forte School of Music curriculum, an Australian-designed program for Group Piano teaching that is now exported to other countries, including the USA, the UK, Canada, and New Zealand. They are also the founders of Piano Teaching Success, which helps piano teachers utilise Whole Body Learning in their teaching to engage students and develop essential musical skills for lifelong learning.