Q+A Ep 13 Motivating Students & Playing by Ear

Jan 25, 2021

Show Notes

Want to see the broken chord teaching segment again? 

Overview: Episode 13

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests
03:00 A look at each of the panel members' set up

11:15 Nicola Standford from Sydney asked this question last week and we're asking again this week, "When you return to face to face piano teaching what will you do differently during lessons compared to pre-Covid 19 times?"

19:20 Sharon shares more of her 60 second challenge. Check out the video here. Get the free downloads here. You can access the Curious Piano Teachers 1 month special here and becoming a piano teacher. Book that Sharon mentions is The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier and Cadenza APP.

20:15 Lucinda shares what she recommends to her students who will continue with online piano lessons in the future especially to be able to teaching music lessons

22:14 What is a way to have a more social way of creating performance opportunities for adults? 

26:15 Tips for motivating students to practice

32:20 Playing by Ear and how to teach it.

44:40 Teaching chords to beginners

47:30 Diane Ellerton has asked: "Can you suggest an idea for helping beginners who see the notes as a mirror image e.g. See a bass D / and play a treble B"

55:00 Mark Matthews shares about composing for his students.

64:00 Teaching Broken Chords


Download this episodes gifts: Lucinda's complementary arrangement of the 12 bar blues to encourage your whole family (or student's family) to improvise on the piano and Happy Birthday. Sharon's 60-second challenge worksheet. 



Available from Blackrock Music







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