Q+A Ep 13 Motivating Students & Playing by Ear

Show Notes

Want to see the broken chord teaching segment again? 

Overview: Episode 13

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests
03:00 A look at each of the panel members' set up

11:15 Nicola Standford from Sydney asked this question last week and we're asking again this week, "When you return to face to face piano teaching what will you do differently during lessons compared to pre-Covid 19 times?"

19:20 Sharon shares more of her 60 second challenge. Check out the video here. Get the free downloads here. You can access the Curious Piano Teachers 1 month special here and becoming a piano teacher. Book that Sharon mentions is The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier and Cadenza APP.

20:15 Lucinda shares what she recommends to her students who will continue with online piano lessons in the future especially to be able to teaching...

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Q+A Ep 12 How to Teach in a Fun and Interesting Way


Show Notes Below

Get your complimentary copy of 4th Street Rag by Dennis Alexander right here, just fill in the form and we'll send it to you.



Show Notes

We will be sharing the Poll Question responses over the next couple of weeks. Feel free to add your thoughts to the mix.



Overview: Episode 12

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests 
02:10 A look at each of the panel members' set up

13:15 Q: When are you returning to face to face teaching piano and what will you do differently during beginner piano lesson ideas compared to pre-Covid19 times?

17:30 One viewer's greatest challenge is “teaching in a fun and interesting way”. Watch the hysterically funny videos of Miss Dontbee and Miss Doobee teaching piano with ways to make learning fun and interesting for students. Dennis,...

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Q+A Ep 19 COVID-Safe Studios & Engaging Students

Show Notes


Overview: Episode 19

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests 

01:48 Josie shares her studio and speaks about her puppets.

04:43 Peter takes you on a tour of his studio so that you can see his COVIDsafe strategies that meet government regulations.

11:09 Josie shares what she does with her students when most of them are not working towards an exam like sight read piano

13:48 Planet, Dragon & Pirate charts and speaks about creating an enriched learning environment like chord progression piano

19:00 Christmas is right around the corner and Blackrock Music has a great Christmas Pack just for piano teachers which includes: 16 Studio Licensed Christmas Carols, Printable: Songsheets, Invitations, Certificates, Program and even recipes.

24:50 When looking at our greatest challenges in teaching piano many teachers say...

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Q+A Ep 18 Recreational Music Making and How It Can Help Your Students

Show Notes


Overview: Episode 18

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests

04:05 Brian Chung shares just a bit of his experience

06:27 Brenda shares her vast experience in teaching over many years.

07:15 Nan shares a little about her teaching and teaching classes with piano sheets beginner

09:03 So what is Recreational Music Making? 

12:00 The Golden Quadrant

15:12 A sporting analogy - Soccer (Football)

19:25 Brenda describes becoming involved in RMM and the path she took which turned from 1 small group to 13 classes a week. 

24:21 Nan shares her story of teaching RMM from another different perspective.

29:19 When you have a few students to practice piano in a group and dealing with different abilities.  Including an excerpt from Nan's recent webinar called: The Many Hats of a Group Teacher

31:14 Paul shares his...

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Q+A Ep 17 To Exam or Not to Exam Part 2 - Continued from Last Episode


Show Notes


Overview: Episode 17 (To exam or not to exam Part 2)

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to: To Exam or Not to Exam. 

0:2:50 Rae de Lisle shares her experience at a tertiary level and about parents. Parents getting locked into exams being important.

10:00 Josie Thomas speaks about why students are actually learning to play piano, piano recitals and talking about parents and how to engage them in the learning process.

12:00 Paul Myatt shares the story of his teaching piano strategies for outsourcing some of the learning to parents.

15:34 Pros and Cons to doing exams the 3 main outcomes of exams which can go both ways.

19:58 Heather Smith explains that she started doing exams with her students as they offered a more balanced curriculum for her.

22:49 Realistic expectations of time that students have.

22:33 Samantha...

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Q+A Ep 15 Getting Students to Read and Memorise


Show Notes

Overview: Episode 15

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests

01:00 A look at each of the panel members' set up included a clip of Stuart teaching a very beginner class of five 6 year old students and a second clip of him performing with his own children. 

14:24 Jeanette asks: "Over many years of teaching piano I have had only a few students who had very little improvement in their reading of notation. These few who happen to be boys, were very good musically, that is they played their pieces in an engaging & emotional way. But it became very difficult to take them beyond an early advanced level / grade 6 as the reading became too complex. How could I have nurtured them differently to enhance their ability to listen & play by ear or rote and do group piano lessons?

27:30 Pam Grimer has asked, "How do you...

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Q+A Ep 14 Body Mapping Technique & Scales, Chords & Lead Sheets



Overview: Episode 14

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests

02:51 The 3 main challenges for practice. 

04:20 Solving some of the practice issues

05:35 Getting kids to practice scales through piano lesson plan

05:30 How backing tracks helps to solve practice issues 

07:50 Building critical listening skills

08:50 Using backing tracks when you can't teach face to face and using beginner piano lesson plan

10:40 Building intrinsic motivation

11:50 Beating the boredom of practice

13:05 Game-based learning and off the bench movement activities

16:30 Paul's frustration which created Practice Buddy

18:35 Teaching Broken Chords

24:00 Chords and moving towards playing with lead sheets

28:10 Lead sheets starter Kit
35:30 Where did Body Mapping come from?

37:50 How to get started with Body Mapping why it is so simple to use and...

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Q+A Ep 11 Teaching Complex Rhythms & Using Tablets for Reading Music


Our goal for Q+A was to help piano teachers during Covid19. Thank you to all the teachers that sent us such lovely feedback. As the pandemic reduces around the world and with such lovely feedback, we have decided to continue the show EVERY 2 weeks. So join us again in 2 weeks. 

The panel this week: Bradley Eustace (USA), Melody Deng (NZ) and Brad Eustace (AUS). So many creative ideas.

This week's edition to the Teacher Resource is the Keyboard charts. Login or get yours now.

Overview: Episode 11

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were many deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests
02:10 A look at each of the panel members' set up

12:30 Q: What's your view on using piano resources like tablets for reading sheet music when playing/ practising? I’ve seen people use this, but not sure what tablets (screen size-wise) would be best and which apps are recommended for sheet...

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Q+A Ep 10 Maintaining Enthusiasm & How to Play Effortlessly


Show Notes Below

Interviews in full with Penelope Roskell & Sally Cathcart


Have your say...

In the week's episode, we give our live audience a chance to ask questions. We want to give you the same opportunity to have your say... Just type into the box below and let us know your greatest challenge in teaching piano with a piano lesson structure.

Overview: Episode 10

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were some deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests
01:10 A look at each of the panel members' set up Sally Cathcart, Nicola Cantan & Penelope Roskell

12:00 Q: I have an 11 year old beginner who I have introduced to Get Set Piano alongside Piano Safari pieces and techniques, rhythm, notation and sightreading card games. He loves it all! Every week he returns online he is well-practiced and perfected pieces I have given him. We are coming to the end of book 1 and I...

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Q+A Ep 9 Improving Quality of Online Lessons & Teaching Teenagers


Overview: Episode 9

Where you can find specific answers to your questions in this week's show. There were some deep dives into topics this week. (timings of the broadcast):

00:00 Welcome to our guests
01:10 A look at each of the panel members' set up Rae de Lisle, Joey Lieber & Jo Kotchie
09:30 Q: I teach piano lessons via zoom at the moment but find it very difficult to do singing lessons online as there are gaps in the sound. Dealing with Lag!!!
12:15 Joey's Blog Posts: How to improve sound quality in your lessons & 10 ways to improve your internet speed in music lessons.
14:00 How Rae deals with sound issues, teaching at a really high level.
16:00 How Jo works around online piano lesson issues 
17:01 Joey shares some videos of how he teaches jazz with students over Zoom to avoid the lag. 
21:00 Gillian asks how to start a child off with improvisation.
27:00 Q: How do I make sure my young students develop good habits around technique during this time.

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